Prince William Metro Express Proposed Route
Prince William Metro Express Proposed Route
Prince William Metro Express – Current |
Prince William Metro Express (95) – Proposed |
Prince William Metro Express – Current and Proposed |
The current Prince William Metro Express (95) route would have new routing and timed transfers to Local routes.
Prince William Metro Express (95) – NEW ROUTING
- Would serve the OmniRide Transit Center with timed transfers to: Dumfries Connector (53), Dale City Local (91), Lake Ridge Connector (94), and East-West Express (96)
- Would serve Telegraph Commuter Lot with transfer options to: Woodbridge Local (93) and Lake Ridge Connector (94)
- Would serve the Woodbridge VRE station all day long. Transfer Options at the Woodbridge VRE: Route 1 Local (52), Lake Ridge Local (92), and Woodbridge Local (93)
- Would travel along Route 1 during Saturdays. Buses would travel northbound on Route 1 until 2 pm. After 2 pm, buses would travel southbound on Route 1