Transit Links
- Alexandria DASH Alexandria, Virginia's local bus system
- Alexandria Rideshare Provides comprehensive transit information for Alexandria residents
- American Public Transportation Association (APTA) Provides consumer and industry related information
- Amtrak Trains General travel information and schedules
- ART Arlington Transit
- City of Fairfax CUE Bus The City-University-Energysaver (CUE) Bus System
- Commute with Enterprise Connects commuters who don’t want to drive alone
- Commuter Assists employers and employees to implement work site Commuter Choice programs
- Commuter Connections Commuter and Telework Information, including online ridesharing application
- The Commuter Page Commuter information, including online OmniRide token purchases
- DC Metro Transit Information about Metrorail, Metrobus and SmartBenefits
- DOT Auto Safety Hotline Auto and road safety information
- Fairfax Connector Fairfax County's local bus system
- FRED Fredericksburg Regional Transit
- George Washington Regional Commission Urban planning department in Fredericksburg, VA
- MARC Train Maryland Commuter Rail
- Martz Bus Commuter services from Stafford and Fredricksburg and more
- Northern Virginia Transportation Commission (NVTC) Partners with PRTC to provide Virginia Railway Express service
- NuRide a FREE ridesharing network where you can earn rewards every time you share a ride.
- Ride-On Buses Montgomery County, MD
- Information on "slugging"
- Information on "slugging"
- TeleworkVA! Provides telework information geared to both employers and employees
- Allows area commuters to check roadway conditions via VDOT cameras and other tools to manage commutes
- Transform66 Provides information about the I-66 Express Lanes
- Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (VDRPT) focuses on the movement of people and good by rail, public transportation and ridesharing
- Virginia Railway Express (VRE) Commuter trains originating in Manassas and Fredericksburg to Northern Virginia and Washington DC
Vanpool Information
PRTC's Rideshare Specialist is a valuable resource to obtain information on how to join or start a vanpool. They have an extensive list of vanpools operating within PRTC's service area and can be reached at 703-580-6130 or See below for a starter list of major vanpool operators. For additional ridesharing information, visit the OmniRide Ridesharing page.
- ABS Vans Full service van pool company operating out of the Fredericksburg/Stafford area, with service in Prince William
- Commuter Express Offers vanpools from the Spotsylvania/Fredericksburg/Stafford area to points throughout Northern Virginia and Washington DC
- Vanpool Alliance Provides financial assistance to vanpools that report ridership data to the program
Local Weather
Local Traffic
- Allows area commuters to check roadway conditions via VDOT cameras and other tools to manage commutes
- WTOP has maps, incident reports and audio on the latest traffic conditions for download
Area Tourism
- DC Pages Attractions, events, dining and more
- Visit Prince William, Virginia Tourism, leisure and business
- US National Parks an essential guide
Local Interest
- City of Manassas Official City of Manassas website, includes tourist attractions, local events and more
- City of Manassas Park Official City of Manassas Park website
- Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge is an oasis where migrating birds and busy city residents both seek a quiet escape from development. Visitors can hike quiet trails and observe a wide variety of wildlife.
- Prince William Chamber of Commerce Connects area businesses and non-profits and promotes the local economy
- Prince William County Government Provides county government information and other local interests
- Offers a wide variety of information for seniors.
- A resource on Medicare coverage.
- Comprehensive Guide on Transportation for Seniors An overview of transportation options for seniors
Please e-mail additional sites of interest to us at with the subject New Links.