Courtesy is Contagious!
It’s a good time for a friendly reminder of how riders can make their trips enjoyable for everyone on board. Loud conversations, including on your phone, inconvenience other passengers. Remember – you are in an enclosed space and other passengers can hear your conversations. Please try to avoid having phone calls, and if you must make or answer a call, please speak softly and keep conversations brief. Your fellow riders will appreciate it.
Here are a few other tips for being a courteous passenger:
- Carry your bags in your hands rather than over your shoulders so they don’t hit seated passengers as you walk in the aisle
- It is unsafe to store items such as luggage and folding strollers/carts in the aisle. Items must be able to fit in your lap, under the seat, or in the overhead compartment (on Express buses)
- To avoid missing your stop, alert your operator that you would like to deboard by ringing the bell at least a block in advance of your stop
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Courtesy is Contagious!